We understand the importance of testing for posture, why not for nutrition?
Starting a diet
Getting help with making food choices
Optimizing your digestion
What I offer
When it comes to starting a diet the first step that people take is attempt to cut out bad food and then replace it with “boring” food- usually.
Starting a diet should consist of testing the same way a training program should also have testing. Without the appropriate testing how can an individual be given foods/supplements/behaviours (eg too fast , have lots of small meals or fewer larger meals). If an individual does not know how they respond then providing a diet will not be specific to the individual. Not everyone has to have a diet that is personalised though if an individual is wanting to optimize their health than it is recommended that they do testing before any supplement or diet is recommended.
In the past i have been given many a diets that i have failed. I struggled to adhere to the protocols as the foods that i was consuming did not digest properly and i could not tolerate the side effects which resulted in me “cheating” on the diet. Secondly when it comes to optimising digestion, where there are problems, protocols should be introduced to address these issues and the food, supplements and dietary behaviours should have 3 main objectives in the beginning.
1- consume food that you can tolerate and avoid the foods you cannot
2- start to identify symptoms that are occurring and start to correct the imbalances before any disease or problems occur
3- develop an understanding of why and how you are reacting/ getting symptoms and know what to do to fix them
The latest fad or diet will work temporarily as any changes will provide a temporary increased awareness/increased adrenaline response and whilst it is novel the better feelings are associated most likely with novelty, not with addressing the issues. This is the same reason why super low calories will make an individual initially and temporarily feel good but after a while, things will go south
One example when it comes to optimising digestion is if an individual cannot tolerate apple cidar vinegar, then the chance that they can produce stomach acid is questionable. When an individual cannot produce stomach acid, then their ability to digest meat or diary is significantly reduced. So advising someone to eat diary or high protein diet in my opinion would be questionable as they lack the ability to digest protein in the first place and my assumptions would conclude that an individual will not be able to digest the protein or diary which result in an unwanted side effect, i.e, it is very common for individuals to get bloated from diary.
To optimize your digestion, I would recommend getting help and filling out the consultation form and organising a free 15 min consultation to answer any questions you have. Then to optimize your food choices I would recommend starting with the 1 week package to see how you respond and if you want to go deeper look at the 1 month and 3 month packages.
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